Primer design tool

Tool to design primers for the Detection Sequence and the Validation Sequence for use with the Xdrop® workflow for sample enrichment.

This design tool will design all primer pairs required for target enrichment using the Xdrop instrument. The design tool will produce the required number of Detection Sequence primers (used in droplet PCR) along with the required number of Validate Sequence primer pairs required for enrichment verification by qPCR.


FASTA input

Design primers using FASTA sequence

For maximum control of your target sequence, you can choose to enter a FASTA sequence as the target for the primer design tool. This will ensure that the primers target the exact sequence of interest.

This option is useful if your target sequence is not accurately described by the reference genome assemblies.

search term

Database search

Design primers using gene name

Find your target of interest by searching the Ensembl reference database. This will allow you to search using gene names, transcript names, and descriptions. This will also allow you to visualize gene splice variants.

This option is useful if your target sequence is accurately described by the reference genome assemblies and their annotations.