
On this page you will find the following sections:


The instrument manuals describes in details all the steps and materials required to produce or sort droplets.

Please contact us for the latest version of the Xdrop and Xdrop Sort manual. 

Xdrop  version 7.2  January 2025
Xdrop Sort  version 4.0  October 2022


These workflows may include products not supported by Samplix such as sequencers and flow cytometers. Optimizations may be required.
Contact us to request a protocol

    • Single-cell cytokine secretion assay in droplets with Xdrop
    • Combined cell killing and granzyme B secretion assay in droplets with Xdrop
    • Flow cytometry of double-emulsion droplets 
    • Targeted enrichment of DNA
    • PCR-based amplification for targeted enrichment with Xdrop or Xdrop Sort


Software updates

The current software versions are:

Xdrop  version 1.3.0-omega v2  November 2024
Xdrop Sort  version 1.2  December 2023

For the most up-to-date software versions, reach out to

Technical notes

TN Encapsulating individual living yeast cells for screening

Encapsulating yeast cells for screening and recovery

TN Xdrop Xcyto5

Immune cell-mediated cytotoxicity: single-cell insight with image cytometry

Samplix TechNote Improved WGA

Improved whole genome amplification with Xdrop

Tech note   efficient cell capture in droplet with Xdrop

Efficient cell capture in droplets with Xdrop

Agilent TN(1)

Simple analysis of Xdrop droplets on the Agilent NovoCyte Quanteon flow cytometer

Service agreement outline(1)


Service agreement outline(1)

Choose a Samplix Service Plan to ensure optimal instrument performance while avoiding the costs associated with unexpected downtime.

Our plans are designed to:

  • Optimize for up-time
  • Enhance your lab’s productivity
  • Ensure critical maintenance requirements aren’t compromised
  • Keep you compliant with regulatory standards

Our comprehensive plans are designed to meet your specific needs, providing dependable, single-source coverage. 

Contact us for more information.


Xtalks & Samplix webinar : Adoptive Cell Therapy Exploring and Influencing Heterogeneity of TILs and CAR T Cells

Discover this fantastic webinar done in collaboration with Thomas Hulen, from the National Center for Cancer Immune Therapy, Herlev Hospital, Denmark

By watching this webinar you'll learn about:

  • How TIL and CAR T cell phenotypes vary both between and within patients.
  • Checkpoint disruption during TIL production can result in the downstream alterations of TILs.
  • Bulk CAR T cells possibly have subpopulations with variable anti-tumor potency.
  • How our Xdrop single-cell format workflow helps identify these subpopulations.


Supporting groundbreaking research is integral to our mission. Discover how Xdrop is helping our customers in their research and development.

Product videos

Learn more about the process and product in these short videos, then visit our training video collection for more detail on the whole process. 

Video thumbnail

Xdrop double-emulsion droplet production

See how straightforward it is to encapsulate your sample (e.g., cells or DNA fragments) in double-emulsion (DE) droplets. In the video, an Xdrop DE50 Cartridge is loaded with natural killer cells and lymphoblasts, which are then encapsulated for a cell-killing assay in single-cell format. Droplets will contain a natural killer cell, a lymphoblast, or both cell types; some will be empty. The droplets with a single cell or no cells act as controls.

Video thumbnail

Xdrop Sort double-emulsion droplet sorting

See how straightforward it is to sort your sample (e.g., microbial cells or DNA fragments) when it is encapsulated in double-emulsion (DE) droplets. Pipette the droplets and media into the Xdrop DE20 Sort Cartridge and start your run on Xdrop Sort. In the video, an Xdrop DE20 Sort Cartridge is loaded with droplets containing DNA fragments. Sorting occurs based on fluorescence. You can adjust the detection threshold to ensure you capture all of your precious sample.