Samplix products

Our Xdrop microfluidics products are designed to prepare cells, DNA, and other biological material for high-throughput analyses. Xdrop-based workflows offer unique possibilities in life sciences and medical research.


Xdrop is a versatile and user-friendly instrument for preparing living mammalian or microbial cells, organelles, DNA, or other biological material for high-resolution downstream analyses.

Using our Xdrop Cartridges, Xdrop safely and rapidly encapsulates the living cells, organelles, or DNA fragments together with assay chemistry in highly stable, picoliter-volume, double-emulsion droplets. 

Xdrop frontview double emulsion droplet generator - FACS - flourecent sorting - cell sorting


See the full range of Xdrop cartridges, reagent kits and accessories for droplet generation and sorting.

These proprietary products are designed by Samplix for fully self-contained droplet generation on Xdrop and Xdrop Sort. 

Cartridge topview - microfluidics chip - double emulsion droplet - parallel production

Digital tools

We provide a suite of digital tools to our customers to support droplet sorting and sequencing workflows.

The sequencing-related tools include calculators to predict enrichment, primer designers for the detection and validation sequences.

Laptop data - assay - automated data collection - cell sorting - flourecence - screening


Our innovative microfluidics technology is designed to provide precise and detailed insights into cellular and genomic structures. Our advanced solutions are tailored for high-resolution analysis, supporting cutting-edge research in the biotechnological field.