News archive

See news from the full history of Samplix, covering all the conferences we've attended, new product launches, and more.


We attended NextGen Omics UK 2021

November 5, 2021

Our experts were on hand to discuss how Xdrop technology can integrate into your genomics and metagenomics workflows, boosting the resolution of long- and short-read sequencing. It was a great opportunity to find out how our instrument and services can support research.

We also sponsored a talk by Dr. Claudia Kutter of the Karolinska Institute on multiomics data and CRISPR editing. 

Functional validation of multiomics data - CRISPR perks and nuisances

In the agenda:

  • CRISPR as a toolbox to study regulatory gene functionality
  • Optimized cellular transfection of large CRISPR vectors
  • Detection of unexpected CRISPR on-target events with Xdrop and Oxford Nanopore Technologies

claudia kutter

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Webinar: Gene Clusters and Speciation – Unraveling Complex Plant Genomes

September 7, 2021

Austin Garner from Harvard University and Robert Heal from the Sainsbury Laboratory presented how they gain high-resolution insights into complex plant genomes. Austin studies the genetic underpinnings of speciation, using Samplix's Xdrop to sequence relevant long stretches of the Phlox drummondii 6-gigabase genome. Robert investigates genes that boost plant resistance to pathogens, using Xdrop to assemble complex gene clusters with the goal of cloning novel resistance genes to develop blight-resistant potato varieties.

Samplix sponsored talk at ESHG 2021

Long-read whole genome analysis of human single cells

August 28, 2021

Dr. Adam Ameur presented a first-time application of droplet multiple displacement amplification followed by long-read sequencing to examine the genomic architecture of a single human cell. 

Samplix discussed Xdrop at Plant Biology Europe 2021

Xdrop: Targeted enrichment to overcome challenges in sequencing large and complex plant genomes

June 29, 2021

Peter Mouritzen, VP Application and Market Development, gave a great talk on the value that target enrichment with Xdrop can bring to overcoming the challenges of long- and short-read sequences of plant genomes. He shared data and insights from some of our collaborations elucidating the complex genomic landscape of plants. 

Webinar: Pitfalls and best practices for CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing

Bioneer joins Samplix in this webinar

May 25, 2021

The following topics were presented:

  • Ten things you should think of when designing a good gene editing strategy by Benjamin Schmid, Research Scientist, Cellular Engineering and Disease Models, Bioneer
  • How to ensure your gene editing validation accounts for larger unintended rearrangements by Peter Mouritzen, Vice President Application and Market Development, Samplix

Webinar: Certainty after CRISPR

    Samplix collaborated with COBO Technologies

April 20, 2021

The following topics were presented:
  • Where did the target region go? Unravelling odd CRISPR/Cas9-induced genomic alterations in human cells by Keyi Geng, PhD Student, Karolinska Institute
  • Fast and sensitive detection of indels induced by precise gene targeting by Eric Paul Bennett, MSc, Dr. Med., COBO Technologies 

Genome Editing 2021|Virtual

Samplix participated in the Genome Editing conference 

May 30, 2021

In the agenda: Validation of Genome Editing through Indirect Sequence Capture and Long-Read Sequencing. Presented by Peter Mouritzen, Vice President Application and Market Development, Samplix

Samplix sponsored Revolutionizing Next-Generation Sequencing |Virtual

A VIB Tools and Technologies conference

March 11-12 

In the agenda: Xdrop Technology combined with long-read sequencing sheds light on complex genomic regions: repeats, gaps, unknown insertions, and structural variants. Presented by Marie Just Mikkelsen, CTO Samplix

Parallel Session 2: Long reads

Webinar: Validate genome editing with Xdrop

March 4, 2021 

The webinar included the following talks:

  • PART 1: Genomically Humanised Mouse Models of Neurodegenerative Disease; Thomas Cunningham, Senior Investigator Scientist, MRC Harwell
  • PART 2: CRISPR Validation and Resolving Complex Genomics Landscapes with Xdrop; Peter Mouritzen, Vice President Application and Market Development, Samplix

Samplix sponsored Festival of Genomics & Biodata 2021

January 26-29 

In the agenda: CRISPR Validation and Resolving Complex Genomics Landscapes with Xdrop presented by Peter Mouritzen, Vice President Application and Market Development, Samplix

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